Friday, June 09, 2006

Where has the innocence gone

Where are the days of youth
Where is the time of innocence
Why must children become old before their years
Lost forever never to return
Oh how I wish to see the world through the eyes of innocence
Serendipity, please find me and show me the lost years of youth
The time grows near when innocence will be lost at birth
Children of days gone by knew life in a simpler time
Over are the days of simple pleasures
Memories of innocence is left behind


keda said...

hmmmm it is sad huh?!

i'm doing my best to keep my guys happy with the simplest pleasures.

have a good weekend. lots of children do still get to have some of what we now miss, be glad for that..

here via michele.

verniciousknids said...

Nostalgia seems to be the flavour of the month!

Visiting you as you visited me!