Friday, April 28, 2006

Road of Life

On the road of life we choose which road we travel and some choose the autobahn early in life. It is a fast straight and no curves road and life tends to pass by them very quickly. Others choose a road with a few bends safe curves and not as fast although it is safe it lacks the trill of speed and excitement of taking a change. While still others take the scenic road, less traveled. It is very slow but it allows you to see the wonders life has to offer. The trill of watching the sun rise the excitement of the beauty of all that God has made.


... Paige said...

Let me ride on the slow road. View the sunrises, sunsets, noons & evenings.

carmilevy said...

On my way home from a business trip this week, I detoured off the traffic-congested highway with only vague knowledge of how I would find my way home. I didn't know the area that well, but I followed the sun and took a bucolic regional road home past newly-plowed farmer's fields and cows grazing in pastures.

It's a ride I'll never forget.

Unique Designs from Zazzle said...

As for me . . . I think I got lost in a thicket somewhere along the way

srp said...

Sometimes we either get off that superhighway to nowhere or the well traveled road; sometimes we do it ourselves and sometimes roadblocks or walls that suddenly spring up, force our decision. Even while on the scenic road, or the road less traveled by we wonder what is ahead. It will be worth it in the end and believing that is the definition of "faith."

Here from Michele.

Anonymous said...

I tend to switch roads and travel on the one that suits me at the time. Which one do you tend to travel on? Michele sent me by the way.